A little change can go a long way. Jump start your savings with a Keep the Change account and save without having to think about it.
How it works
When you make a purchase, we’ll round up to the next dollar amount and deposit the difference into a special Keep the Change savings account!*
For example: if you spend $19.75 on a purchase, we’ll debit $20.00 from your checking account—$19.75 going to the store where you made the purchase and $0.25 going into your Keep the Change account. It’s that easy!
How do I sign up?
Just fill out a Change Round Up Request Form in the Online Banking Info Center or give us a call at 336.373.2090.
*Revity FCU will calculate the round up amount for all debit card transactions posted on the same date and post a single transfer to the Keep the Change Account at the end of the day. Revity FCU reserves the right to change or end this promotion at any time. See credit union for details.